Monday, September 28, 2015

In the Studio

"Keep your shop and your shop will keep you." – Benjamin Franklin

Studios can be amazing and mysterious places. As an artist, sometimes it's hard to step back and see this creative space with fresh, non-artist eyes. There are two great opportunities in St. Louis right now to get a glimpse into the workings of an artist's studio. The Saint Louis Art Museum has a wonderful exhibition titled The Artist and the Modern Studio that highlights "works that reflect the remarkably diverse approaches to representing the studio environment and the activities that take place there." The exhibit is up until January 3, 2016. And coming up the first weekend in October, the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis is holding their tenth annual Open Studios event. Over 170 local artists will open their studios to visitors, giving the public a unique opportunity to meet artists and see where they work.

In the spirit of opening up the studio, I wanted to share a few images of artists working at Pele Prints:

Benjamin Guffee

Ken Wood

Mary O'Malley

Benjamin Pierce

Jessie Van der Laan

If you're interested in seeing more studios, here are a few links to explore:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lambert Art of Travel Print Anniversary

A year ago at Pele Prints, we were busy putting the final touches on our prints for the Lambert International Airport Art of Travel event. If you didn't hear about this great project at the time, let's fill you in!

As part of the airport renovation, old copper roof tiles were given to three local printshops (including Pele Prints) for inspiration to create an edition of prints. Sales of the prints helped support the Art & Culture program at Lambert. We made a series of whimsical folded paper airplanes, printed with flight paths and airport codes. The process of making the prints was documented with photos and descriptions on the flySTLprints blog, so be sure to check out the details there.

More details about the project can also be found here:
- STL Magazine, "Local Printmakers Create Work Using Old Copper Roof Tiles"
- Stuck at the Airport, "Art Made from the Roof of Lambert"
- Fox 2, "Lambert Airport's old copper roof salvaged, turned into art prints"

This year's Art of Travel event features jewelry artists who have also used the copper roof tiles for their creations. The annual party is coming up on October 1 from 6-9p, and you can purchase tickets here.